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Segno helps musicians all over the world play music together remotely. 

Designed by musicians for musicians, our platform is perfect for bands, choirs, orchestras, and more.

It is the first of its kind created specifically for
bands, choirs, and orchestras. 

Sync Up With Segno

Thank you!

How It Works

1.  Record your video clip

2.  Share your project to your group

3.  Group members each record over your clip

4.  Approve, compile, save, even export.  

5.  Share to all your favorite sites.   
                                 It's easy!

You can work with lots videos and many collaborators on Segno, making it ideal for choirs and orchestras.
you don't
have to be 
a professional
video editor
to create
pro videos
Sync Up With Segno!

Thank you!


sync up


We’ve seen groups wait hours, days, or months to build and edit compilation videos of their ensemble.


There had to be an easier way. 

So we assembled an amazing team of developers and musicians to build Segno

Segno isn't a streaming app.

So there's no streaming latency.

And you don't have to get everyone

together at the same time. 

We use video clips to construct a compilation video of everyone in your group. 

It's Fast. It's Easy. It's Fun. 

Please join our community today. 

Sync up with Segno



By asking each user to select an instrument or voicing, we can implement classic audio editing techniques like panning and compression to each section. 


Export for Any Platform

Segno can create beautiful videos for every platform, no matter what ratio. 



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Sync Up With Segno

Thank you!

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